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Wantage, New Jersey Revolutionary War Sites
This website, its text and photographs are © 2009 - 2024 AL Frazza. All rights reserved.


Revolutionary War New Jersey
Old Clove Church Cemetery
Wantage, New Jersey

Old Clove Church Cemetery
Rte. 23, near American Way
Map / Directions to the Old Clove Church Cemetery
Map / Directions to all Wantage Revolutionary War Sites

The cemetery contains the grave of Jacob Courtright, (died May 14, 1826, at age 78) who served as a private in the Sussex County militia during the Revolutionary War. [1] There are also several Civil War soldiers buried here.

Revolutionary War New Jersey
DAR Van Bunschooten Museum
Wantage, New Jersey

DAR Van Bunschooten Museum
1097 Rte. 23
Map / Directions to the DAR Van Bunschooten Museum
Map / Directions to all Wantage Revolutionary War Sites

The museum is operated by the Chinkchewunska Chapter
of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
See the DAR Van Bunschooten Museum website
for more information, and current hours of operation.

The Van Bunschooten Museum has a Revolutionary War era musket on exhibit. The musket belonged to Andrew Dalrymple (Circa 1750 - October 6, 1796), who is buried in the Frankford Plains Cemetery in Frankford. It is uncertain whether Dalrymple served in the Revolutionary War in a military capacity; however, he is known to have received pay for transporting forage for the Continental (American) Army in March 1780. He was also active politically during the war, having been elected as a town officer in Mendham in 1774, and he was appointed as Overseer of the Poor in 1779. [2]

Revolutionary War New Jersey
Kimber Fort

Kimber Fort
Rte. 284
Map / Directions for Kimber Fort
Map / Directions to all Wantage Revolutionary War Sites
This site is right at the New York State line.
A green Welcome to New York sign is across the street.

This house is a private residence.
Please respect the privacy and property of the owners.

In 1759 George Kimber and his wife Sarah Westfall purchased land here, at what is now the New Jersey / New York border on Rte. 284.

The oldest portion of the house is the stone section at the back, which was used as a fort. George and Sarah's son Peter Kimber fought at the Battle of Minisink (in New York State) on July 22, 1779.

The house itself is just over the New York side of the border, but some of the Kimber farmland is on the New Jersey side. [3]

Revolutionary War New Jersey

Source Notes:

1. ^ Jacob's last name is spelled "Courtright" on the gravestone, which states "who died May 14, 1826 aged 78 years."

John Howard Abbott, The Courtright (Kortight) Family / Descendants of Bastian Van Kortryk, A Native of Belgium who Emigrated to Holland about 1615 ) New York: Tobias A. Wright, 1922) p. 124         Available to be read at the Internet Archive here
▸ As the title of this book suggests, the family name has been spelled various ways.
In the Cortrights Who Served In The Revolution / From New Jersey section of the book, Jacob is listed as "Private, 3d Battalion, Sussex County Militia," with his last name spelled "Cortright."
A note beneath the list of names states, "The above names were spelled with variations by the mustering officers."

Jacob is listed as having served as a Private in the Sussex County Militia in the Daughters of the American Revolution Genealogical Research System, where he is Ancestor # A026253. (His last name is spelled "Cortright" here.)

2. ^ Commissary General's Department records / Mss. Number 4461, page 10.
"Certificate for Carting Forage in March 1780:
Name, Andrew Dalrimple [sic] ; Date, ( March 17, 1780); No. of voucher, 131; 1 wagon, 4 horses, 1 Load; Price $80; Amount $80."
I would like to thank Ashley Ziccardi of the Chinkchewunksa Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution for sending me a copy of this document.

Andrew Dalrymple is listed in the Daughters of the American Revolution Genealogical Research System for Patriotic Service, where he is Ancestor # A029404

3. ^ Information for Kimber Fort was drawn from:
   • E. M. Ruttenber and L.H. Clark, History of Orange County New York (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1881) p.409

   • The historic marker out front, which was erected by the New York State Education Department in 1938
   • Information sent to me by Jennie Sweetman (history columnist for the New Jersey Herald) in e-mail correspondence September 2012