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Morris Plains, New Jersey Revolutionary War Sites
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Revolutionary War New Jersey
Morris Plains, New Jersey
Ebenezer Stiles House - Glenbrook

Ebenezer Stiles House / Glenbrook
77  Glenbrook Rd.
(Now the Morris Plains Library)
Map / Directions to the Ebenezer Stiles House / Morris Plains Library

The building which now houses the Morris Plains Library was originally the home of Ebenezer Stiles. In early 1780, while Washington and his army were staying in Morristown, lighthorsemen where quartered at this house for 20 days.  [1]

Ebenezer built the oldest section of the house circa 1752. The building was purchased by Jonathan Roberts in 1867. He expanded the house by attaching an 1824 house moved here from another location, and then modernized both wings of the house. Roberts founded the Morris Plains Library Association in 1881, and the house now serves as the Morris Plains Public Library.  [2]

Ebenezer Stiles was born in 1726 and died in 1814. He is buried, along with other members of the Stiles family, in the Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Morristown.  [3]

Revolutionary War New Jersey

Source Notes:

1. ^ No 31. Inventory of sundry Articles taken from Ebenezer Stiles by the Continental Army, which was part of 'A Copie [sic] of the Inventories of such Property as has been damaged or destroyed by the Continental Army & Militia in the County of Morris, together with the Appraisements thereof done agreeable to an Act of the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey passed at Trenton, December 20, 1781.' as reprinted in:
Andrew M. Sherman Historic Morristown New Jersey: The Story of its First Century (Morristown NJ: The Howard Publishing Company, 1905) p. 392
The book is available to be read at Google Books here
The inventory of Ebenezer Stiles as shown in the book is a bit confusing in terms of the exact dates. It appears to imply that the quartering began on February 4, but since it's hard to know that for certain, I left it as "early 1780" in the main entry above.

2. ^ David Mitros, Editor, Historic Sites of Morris County, New Jersey (Morris County Heritage Commission, 1996) p.26

3. ^ Dates and burial location from Stiles family grave monument in Morristown First Presbyterian Church Cemetery.